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Webinar: Introduction into Perioperative Point-of-Care Ultrasound
Perioperative Point-Of-Care Testing | ICA Webinar
Webinar: Trends in Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Panel Discussion
1. Overview of Perioperative Ultrasound ; 2. Lung Ultrasound for the Anaesthesiologists
Perioperative Point-of-Care Ultrasound
Point of Care Ultrasound(POCUS) for Anesthesiologist
Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) for Regional Anaesthetists
Point of Care Ultrasound Useful COVID-19 Applications from Hospitalists
Webinar: Role of Ultrasonography in Pediatric Regional Anesthesia
Euroanaesthesia 2023 - Elevating perioperative care with safety and efficiency
SonoSite Airway Webinar: Dr. Davinder Ramsingh
Webinar: Point-of-Care Echocardiography - Part 1: Core Principles